Middle School Child and Teenager Health Evaluation

A Middle School Child and Teenager Health Evaluation refers to a comprehensive health assessment and screening process. This evaluation is meant to assess and to monitor their overall well-being during adolescent years.

The focus of our practice often includes the following elements:

  1. Developmental and Behavioral Assessment: An assessment of your child’s development, behavior, and emotional well-being. This can include discussions about social and emotional challenges that adolescents may face.
  2. Genetic testing: Testing for genetic mutations which may hinder your child’s optimal growth and development, physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing.
  3. Nutritional Assessment: An assessment of your child’s dietary habits and nutritional status may be included to promote healthy eating habits and address any concerns related to nutrition.
  4. Health Education: The evaluation may incorporate health education components, providing information to your child about topics such as puberty, sexual health, substance abuse prevention, and mental health awareness.

The goal of the Middle School Child and Teenager Health Evaluation is to promote early detection of health issues, provide preventive care, and support overall health and development during the critical period of adolescence.


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